A Brief Summery about The First Modern Assault Rifle: StG:44

During the World War II, Hitler was expecting his engineers to be creative more than ever. Orders he gave were so certain. He made sure that everyone understood the main thing; Hitler did not only want to win the war he also wanted to crush his enemies while winning. 

When engineers first started to work on the StG:44, their aim was to make the Nazi Army better than ever on the battlefield. While the StG:44's development process was going further, everything the Nazis had were submachine guns and the Karabiner 98k (also known as the Kar98). When Hitler was told about the StG:44, he found it promising and wanted it to be finished as soon as possible to be sent to the battlefronts. When it was brought to the battlefield, it was liked by the infantry soldiers. The reason being, the StG:44 gave them the opportunity of guarding themselves by not needing other soldiers while marching further among the streets. 

Before the StG:44, they needed a protecting fire from the others to be able to go further. With this feature, the guns’ other capabilities got approved too almost without being tested. It was almost so easy to see that the StG:44 made the Nazis to be a step ahead for a while but after the war has ended, we can see that the difference made by it was not that effective, at least was not enough to make them win. Overall, the StG:44 still is accepted as the first modern assault rifle in the world and as the inspiration source of many modern rifles like the M4 Carbine and the AK-47.
