
Italian Tanks - WWII

There are over 20 tanks served to Italians during the World War II. In this post, we will be examining the most important ones. Italian Soldiers Fiat 3000: The  Fiat 3000  was the first  tank  to be produced in series in  Italy . It became the standard tank of the emerging Italian armored units after  World War I . It was a light tank with 6 tones of weight. Its standard version had two 6.5 mm machine guns. The Fiat 3000 (Model 21) was first used in action in February 1926 in  Libya .  With Italy's entry into World War II in June 1940, a limited number of Fiat 3000s were still in service  Fiat 3000 L3/33: The  Carro Veloce 33  (CV 33) or  L3/33  was a  tankette  originally built in 1933 and used by the  Italian Army  before and during World War II. The original CV 33 carried two-man crew protected by 12 mm of welded armor and was armed with a single 6.5 mm...

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